A demonstration of the team's facial jewelry device. Photo courtesy of Shuyi Sun.
A demonstration of the team's facial jewelry device. (Courtesy of Shuyi Sun)

How Can We Use Jewelry To Communicate?

Using Signals From a Person’s Facial Muscles To Send Wireless Commands

The face already plays an important role in communication, but a group of UC Davis computer scientists led by doctoral student Shuyi Sun is taking this to the next level.

The team is designing facial jewelry that can use signals from a person’s facial muscles to send wireless commands to at-home devices like Alexa and Google Home. By reading a user’s conscious and unconscious gestures, the technology has the potential to help silently operate lights or other devices or discreetly send messages to get out of potentially dangerous situations.

We also want to integrate a bunch of different systems together and make it something that recognizes your unconscious gestures and enhance them in some way by technology. — Shuyi Sun

The project started in computer science associate professor Hao-Chuan Wang’s human-computer interaction course in fall 2020, and Sun continued the project with her advisor, design professor Katia Vega.

Read the rest of this article at UC Davis Department of Computer Science News.

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