Faculty Shared Governance and College Bylaws

The Faculty of the College of Letters and Science (Davis) shall consist of:

  1. The President of the University
  2. The Chief Campus Officer
  3. The Dean of the College 
  4. The Librarian and the Registrar of the Davis campus 
  5. All members of the Academic Senate who are members of departments in which students in the College of Letters and Science may elect their major work
  6. All members of the Academic Senate who are members of the Department of Military Science or the University Writing Program. 

The Faculty of the College of Letters and Science (Davis) shall conduct the government of the college through its elected College Assembly. Other standing committees of the College include: 

  • The Executive Committee
  • Courses of Instruction
  • Honors
  • Educational Policy
  • Nominations and Elections
  • Rules and Jurisdictions
  • Library
  • Individual Majors
  • Study of Foreign Languages 
  • English Language and Literacy.

Please consult the following resources:

College of Letters and Science Bylaws and Regulations

L&S Faculty Comment on Requests for Consultation

L&S Educational Policy Committee New Programs Guidelines and Flowchart

L&S Educational Policy Committee Curriculum Revision Guidelines and Flowchart

L&S Faculty Executive Committee Academic Unit Revision Guidelines and Flowchart

L&S English Language and Literacy Committee Call for Upper Division Composition Courses

Instructor Resources for Course Changes in ICMS