The campus that would become UC Davis first opens its doors as the University Farm, the research and science-based instruction extension of UC Berkeley.
The Farm School opens in January.
The first Picnic Day is held on May 22, and more than 2,200 people attend.
For the first time, the campus offers a four-year program is divided into Divisions. Among them were the Chemistry Division and the English Division.
Military Science Department is established.
Mathematics and Physics Department is established.

Celeste Turner Wright becomes the first regular woman faculty member and first Ph.D. in humanities at Davis and serves as the first chair of the Department of English.
German is the first foreign language to be introduced at UC Davis.
In 1933, Edward B. Roessler is sent to Davis from UC Berkeley to develop the Division of Mathematics and Physics and to create statistical services for agriculture.
Vernon Puryear is named chair of the Department of History and Political Science. In the coming decades, he would play an important role in planning for the College of Letters and Science.
The campus is renamed the “College of Agriculture at Davis.”
Division of Chemistry holds first patents for entire University of California.