Major and minor
What is the proper role of government in a democratic society? What rights should be extended to citizens, and how should those rights be protected? Political scientists study the complex, intertwined forms of government and their effects on citizens, businesses and institutions. As political science majors, students will advance their skills in quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and writing, leading to successful careers and becoming an involved citizen. Internships and study programs both in Sacramento and at the UC Davis Washington Center give students the chance to enrich their studies with first-hand experience in government agencies and other political organizations. The major works flexibly in conjunction with other areas of interest, such as exploring gender politics with Gender & Sexuality Studies, or computational politics through Computer Science.
Real World Outcomes
Political science majors develop research, analytic and communication skills relevant to many professional fields. These skills provide the first step toward careers in teaching, law, management, government, urban planning, journalism, politics, administration or for graduate studies in various fields.
You will begin your studies with fundamental courses in contemporary political science and the historical foundations of modern politics. At the upper-division level, you will study a broad range of topics in political theory, American government and institutions, public law, and international relations and comparative political systems.