Theatre and Dance
Find Out More
Major and minor
Participation is a unique focus of the Theatre and Dance major, encouraging students to become familiar with the myriad roles involved in planning, producing and bringing performances to the stage. You'll be exposed to techniques of acting, directing, stagecraft or dance as you develop communication, creative and collaborative skills that will prepare you to succeed in a variety of careers within and outside the performing arts.
Real World Outcomes
UC Davis alumni are stage managing Broadway plays, acting in Hollywood films and commercials, and performing voice-overs for animated movies and TV shows. Other graduates go on to earn Master's of Fine Arts or other advanced degrees and teach performing arts at every educational level. Still others employ the creative, collaborative and critical skills they have developed in fields such as arts management, marketing, sales and other areas of commerce, as well as in the public sector.
More examples of what you can do with this major
From their first year, students participate in every aspect of bringing a work to the stage, and opportunities to learn from working professionals in the field abound, both through faculty contact, the Granada Artist-in-Residence program and special Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts events.
Technical practice accompanies a firm grounding in dance and theatre history, performance theory and criticism. Students develop their creative artistry while taking on responsibilities in departmental productions and participating in two of three areas: acting/dance performance, design or directing/playwriting/stage management. Collaborative and organizational skills flourish on crew and participation in any of our production shops. including set design, costume, lighting, painting, props and sound.

Degree in Theatre and Dance First Stage for Creative Careers
UC Davis theatre and dance majors have gone out into the world and been notably successful in a variety of careers. Read more about them here!