A Cup of Culture: How Professor Katharine Burnett is Changing the Way We View Tea

In exploring the rich tapestry of global cultures, few elements weave as intricate a story as tea. Tracing the spread of tea culture offers a unique lens for art historian Katharine Burnett, professor and co-chair in the Department of Art and Art History, to explore the complex interplay of tradition, globalization, and identity. Burnett’s fascination with tea inspired her to launch UC Davis’s Global Tea Institute for the Study of Tea Culture and Science, which delves into both the cultural and scientific aspects of tea.

International Honors for Two Public Engagement Champions

Liza Grandia, associate professor of Native American studies, and Keith David Watenpaugh, professor and director of human rights studies, have been honored by the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) for research and partnerships with a tangible impact on the daily lives of people in countries such as Guatemala and Syria. 

Learn more about the professors and their work.