Welcome to the College of Letters and Science
Have you been admitted? We are excited to welcome you to UC Davis and are looking forward to helping you make the most of your college experience!
We compiled a list of helpful resources for you to get started. First, make sure you set up your UC Davis Login ID and create your account in the MyAdmissions portal. Most of your pre-enrollment tasks are linked there.
1. Submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)
Have you decided to attend UC Davis and want to make it official? Be sure to log in to your MyAdmissions portal to submit the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) before May 1 for first-years, and June 1 for transfer students. You must set up a UC Davis Login ID and password before accessing this site.
Be sure to log in to MyAwards to review your financial aid package. Once you submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR), you can begin accepting any awards you may have been offered. You must set up a UC Davis Login ID and password before accessing this site.
Everything you need to know about financial aid
3. Apply for Housing
After you submit the SIR, you may begin the housing application. It takes about 24 hours after submitting your SIR before you can access the Housing application. Be sure to check out the many residence hall options, as well as the Living-Learning Communities.
Living-Learning Communities are communities within the residence halls that provide an opportunity for students with similar interests to live in the same hall, or same floor.
4. Complete Aggie 101
Aggie 101 is the first step in the Orientation process. It is an online experience that takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Complete Aggie 101 at your own pace, but you should complete this before Aggie Advising begins, which is late May for freshmen and early June for transfer students.
5. Learn More About Your Major
Want to explore the many majors that are available in the College, or learn more about your declared major? Or perhaps you’d like to research other options for a possible double major. You can review our 55 majors and over 60 minors here.
Unsure, or still exploring, what you want to study? That's OK! College is a time to explore and discover subjects and fields that you didn't know existed. We have many resources to help undeclared and exploring students find their field of study.
6. Gaining Experience
Gaining experiences to develop yourself outside of the classroom is extremely valuable. Learn about some of the ways College of Letters and Science students are gaining experience beyond the classroom, including in the workplace, research labs, internships, or on stage!