Physics Advisory Board

Physics Advisory Board

The UC Davis College of Letters and Science's Physics Advisory Board is comprised of seven volunteer members. The Department of Physics enjoys a privileged reputation as a site of thrilling breakthrough discoveries and also as a source of graduates highly trained in the arts of creative technical problem-solving. The department periodically solicits advice and guidance from this broad group of dedicated leaders to help the department be as engaged as possible with those who are inspired by its discoveries as well as with those who wish to hire graduates. The department sees this engagement as an intrinsic element, impacting outward-facing activities as well as the internal departmental environment and approach to mentoring students. The Physics Advisory Board is appointed by the department chair with the goal of formalizing such consultations.

Physics Advisory Board Members

Lisa Borland

Lisa Borland

Member, Physics Advisory Board

Dave Cone

James David Cone, '13

Member, Physics Advisory Board

Timothy Ferris

Timothy Ferris

Member, Physics Advisory Board

Steve Guggenheimer

Steve Guggenheimer, '87

Member, Physics Advisory Board

Mel Williams

Mel Williams

Member, Physics Advisory Board