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Major and minor
The study of economics is the study of choices. How should a society choose to allocate and distribute its resources? Which needs should have the highest priority, and which are less important? Economists study how people use their limited resources in an attempt to satisfy their unlimited wants. They create scientific models to explain why people behave the way they do, and use these models along with observations of the world to analyze and explain why things happen the way they do. Based on this knowledge, they propose solutions to problems that may at first seem surprising, but that prove to work well in practice. Economists work in all areas of government and industry, in positions ranging from stock market analysis to sports marketing and banking regulation.
Real World Outcomes
Economics majors are well prepared to succeed in careers requiring both knowledge of financial concepts and keen analytical abilities. Graduates are working in all areas of business and government, including investment firms, congressional advisory committees, government regulatory agencies and business journalism.

Math and Economics at the Federal Reserve
Emily Kaar '17 was a double major in mathematical analytics and operations research and economics. After interning as a safety analyst with the Federal Aviation Administration her senior year, she was soon hired as a full-time policy analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Advocating for Clean Air
Sydney Vergis works for the California Air Resources Board to achieve greenhouse gas reductions, protect public health and make sure Californians are breathing clean air. Sydney says every day she uses qualitative and quantitative interdisciplinary skills learned at UC Davis to do her job.
More examples of what you can do with this major
You will begin with a series of foundation courses in micro- and macroeconomics, statistics, and mathematics. At the upper division level, you will take two courses in economic theory, one course in either American or European economic history, and data analysis. You may then select from courses in areas of particular interest to you. These elective courses range from games theory to financial institutions and international economic development. In rounding out their study of economics, students may complete an internship for credit, take some of their courses overseas through the study abroad program or complete an in-depth economics research project through the honors program.