Academic Difficulty

Academic Difficulty

Students in the College of Letters and Science are expected to maintain specific academic and degree progress requirements to remain in good standing at UC Davis. However, many students experience academic difficulty during their academic career which may prevent them from meeting these requirements.

We understand that academic difficulty can happen for many reasons including health (physical, mental, emotional), family circumstances, transitional challenges, course selection etc. Advisors in Undergraduate Education and Advising (UEA) are here to support students experiencing academic difficulties and partner with them as they work toward academic recovery and ultimately the shared goal of graduating successfully.

Our Mission: Supporting Students in Academic Difficulty

In alignment with the greater mission and values for Academic Advising at UC Davis, our goal is to provide inclusive, holistic, and equitable advising that empowers students to pursue their personal, academic, and professional goals through meaningful educational experiences. In support of this mission, advisors in UEA provide expertise, guidance, and support for students in the College of Letters and Science who are not in good academic standing through advising programming known as Academic Intervention. We facilitate learning by providing a framework and individualized guidance to promote academic recovery. We believe each student’s journey toward success is unique.

Retention of students in academic difficulty is the primary purpose of academic intervention

Academic Standing


Academic standing at UC Davis refers to whether or not a student is meeting either the academic (GPA) requirement and/or the degree progress requirement (also known as Minimum Progress). Academic standing is determined at the end of each regular quarter--Fall, Winter, Spring--and is notated on a student's academic record.

Students that meet the GPA and minimum progress requirements are considered to be in Good Standing. Students that do not meet either the GPA or minimum progress requirements, are considered to be Not in Good Standing. Additionally, each standing can have various levels. More detailed information regarding each type of standing is outlined below.

GPA Standing

To be in Good Standing for GPA, students must maintain a C average (2.000) or better for all work undertaken in the university and for the work undertaken in any one quarter. Students that fall below a 2.00--either overall or in one term--will have one of the following standings based on the GPA and number of terms below a 2.00.

  • Academic Notice (PB) for GPA is defined by an overall or term GPA of 1.500 or higher, but below 2.000 (i.e. between 1.500 and 1.999)
  • Academic Notice Continued (PC) for GPA is defined by an overall or term GPA of 1.500 or higher, but below 2.000, (i.e. between 1.500 and 1.999) for two consecutive terms.
  • Subject to Disqualification (SD) for GPA can result from one or more of the following:
    • An overall or term GPA below 1.500 (i.e. 1.499 or lower)
    • Accumulating over 16 units of Incomplete "I" grades
    • An overall or term GPA of 1.500 or higher, but below 2.000, for three consecutive terms. (example: PBPCSD)

Minimum Progress (MP) Standing

To be in Good Standing for Minimum Progress, students must maintain a Degree Progress Average (DPA) of at least 12 units passed per quarter over all quarters of full-time enrollment*. Students who end the quarter with Degree Progress Average (DPA) below 12 units will have one of the following standings based on the number of consecutive terms they have not met the requirement.

  • Academic Notice (PB) First term with a Degree progress average below 12 units
  • Academic Notice Continued (PC) Second consecutive term with a Degree progress average below 12 units
  • Academic Notice Continued (PD) Third consecutive term with a Degree progress average below 12 units
  • Subject to Disqualification (DQ) Fourth consecutive term with a Degree progress average below 12 units

*Note: Quarters in which a student is officially enrolled for Part-Time status or in which they have an approved minimum progress waiver by the Student Disability Center (SDC) are excluded when determining Minimum Progress standing.

Learn more about Minimum Progress