A review of research literature shows that high self-esteem has long-term psychological benefits and is distinct from the negative effects of narcissism. (Getty Images)
A review of research literature shows that high self-esteem has long-term psychological benefits and is distinct from the negative effects of narcissism. (Getty Images)

Research Review Shows Self-Esteem Has Long-Term Benefits

In recent years, self-esteem has fallen out of favor in the scientific literature and in the popular media as an important factor for life outcomes. But a new large research review conducted by psychologists at the University of California, Davis, and the University of Bern suggests that high self-esteem can have a positive influence in many areas of people’s lives. 

Psychology professor Richard W. Robins and former postdoctoral scholar Ulrich Orth, now a professor at the University of Bern, reported their findings recently in the journal American Psychologist, the flagship journal of the American Psychological Association: 

“This research shows what most people already believe — that self-esteem matters.” — Richard W. Robins, professor of psychology

Read the rest of this article at UC Davis News.

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